Gloucester City Ladies Skittles League

tables up to week 10

DIVISION 1                      Played      Points

Grasshoppers                      10             44

Screwloose                            8              39

Jolly Girls                               8              38

Woodentops                         10             36

Silhouettes                              9             32

Robinswood Ladies                8              31

Royal Flush                            9               31

Mad Hatters                            8               28

Hits & Misses                          9              28

Sparks Ladies                         9              20

Plums                                      8              18

Legion Ladies                          9              16

Rainbows                                 8              13

Walls Wombles                      10              13

Follies                                     10                9

DIVISION 2                           Played       Points

Finches                                     10              38

Misfits                                         9               37

Highlights                                    9              36

Vixens                                          9              34

The Elite                                      7              28

Rejects                                         9             28

Thunderbirds                                7             26

Oakleaves                                    9              26

007's                                           10              26

Neon Lights                                  9              24

Romping Rovers                         10             24

Strings                                           9             22

Pamajolis                                      9              21

Sparklers                                       9              17

Robinettes                                     9              15

DIVISION 3                              Played        Points

Happy Girls                                    9               36

Desperadoes                                  9               34

Mind The Gap                                7               32

Beaubelles                                      8              30

Maximums                                      8              29

Live Wires                                       8              27

Mark III                                            8             27

Wallls Langton Lassies                    7             25

Sam Browne X                                 9             25

Cheeky Cheery Cherubs                  7             20

Hopefuls                                            9            20

Jokers                                               9             20

Happy Hookers                                 9             17

Alma Bouncers                                 9                6

tables up to week 5

DIVISION 1                      Played       Points

Jolly Girls                             3               18

Grasshoppers                      5               18

Robinswood Ladies             5               17

Woodentops                        4               16

Screwloose                          3               14

Mad Hatters                         4               14

Silhouettes                           4               12

Royal Flush                          4               11

Walls Wombles                     5              11

Legion Ladies                        3              10

Hits & Misses                         4              10

Plums                                     4              10

Sparks Ladies                        5              10

Follies                                     5               8

Rainbows                                2               1

DIVISION 2                        Played        Points

Misfits                                     4                20

The Elite                                  5               20

Highlights                                5               18

Oakleaves                               5               18

Vixens                                     4               17

Thunderbirds                           4              14

007's                                        5              14

Finches                                    5              14

Neon Lights                              3             10

Pamajolis                                  4             10

Strings                                      4             10

Robinettes                                 4              8

Romping Rovers                       5              8

Rejects                                      4             6

Sparklers                                   3              5

DIVISION 3                          Played       Points

Desperadoes                            5               20

Mind The Gap                           5              20

Happy Girls                               4              17

Live Wires                                 5              17

Sam Browne X                          5              16

Cheeky Cheery Cherubs          4               14

Wallls Langton Lassies             4              14

Hopefuls                                    5              14

Mark III                                      4              13

Maximums                                4               13

Beaubelles                                3               12

Happy Hookers                         4                 6

Alma Bouncers                         4                 2

Jokers                                       4                 2











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